Sunday, November 20, 2011


I seem to have been in a thick fog this past few weeks, and as the haze has lifted due to the strong Northers that have started blowing in, I realized that it is nearly Thanksgiving, and Christmas is bumping along not to far behind. The days have just melted into each other as we bustle along with our farm duties. The Farmer is making plans for the new year, supper conversation centers around  fertilizer, irrigation, propagation, climate control, imagine my delight when he agreed to my proposal of a much expanded asparagus bed...... speaking of climate control, our winter project is going to be a high tunnel. What might you ask is a high tunnel? It is like a greenhouse or a hoop house, but it is on a much larger scale. You can drive a tractor through it. The Farmer is wanting to put a better handle on controlling the elements over some of our crops. I would just like to be able to get some red tomatoes in the fall!( it may be time to hit him up with my lifelong yearning to grow PINEAPPLES!). The market will be open this week on Saturday only from noon until 4:00pm. Milk orders can be picked up throughout the week, just call and let us know you are coming. There will be plenty of cow milk throughout the winter, but as always this time if year, the goats are winding down, so it may be a good idea to start stocking up if you have room in the freezer. Right now there is plenty if a little extra is needed.  As they near the early Spring kidding season, the milk supply dwindles.  The market will close the Friday before Christmas, and will reopen the first week in Feb. CSA applications will start for the 2012 year in December, more information on that will follow. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


The first crop froze, the second crop slowly burned, and the third crop, put in only because there were some left over seeds, and hoping for a little folage to till into the ground , has exceded all expections. My Mothers Day present (pea sheller deluxe) has been going non stop for a week now.  I pick a bushel and say to myself " This should be plenty ." Then I ponder the peas that are still on the plants, I just can't let them sit in the field and dry up. That was 14 bushels ago.  I am headed to the pea patch for one more bushel, going to be good and ready for New Years Eve, just in case we have a great big party. There will be lots of good luck peas in a pot on the stove, in case you happen by and forgot to prepare some. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


  We are in the middle of an invasion! For the last month a colony of gophers have found our rich, sandy soil. Every morning we would wake up to several new mounds polka dotting the pasture, lawn, garden, vegetable fields. Coming and going to run errands within a several mile radius, we noticed other properties with the same condition, freshly dug dirt mounds popping up everywhere. Now, I have a deep respect for the natural order of things, but when one of my critters or myself is in danger of breaking a leg in a gopher hole, I feel it is my responsibility to take action..... and considering our farm does not have natural predators to gophers, the Farmer and his gopherliminator were called into action. For all intents and purposes, the idea behind it is simply brilliant. As a fireman, and an expert with hoses, he just simply hooked one end of a specially rigged hose to the tail pipe of our Poppin' Johnny antique tractor, inserted the other end into the gaping hole dug by the offending culprits, started the tractor and patiently counted about 20 minutes,  ( The wait is simply exhausting!!) Next morning we looked out the window, to see if there were any newly excavated mounds. If not, mission successful. As of this morning the ground around the treated area is flat as a fritter, it is possible the rodents are just in a deep sleep, should know in another day or two. If it was an irrefutable success, I will be hiring out the Farmer and his gopherliminator by the hour, will keep you posted! From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


In the immortal words of Winnie the Pooh, what a blustery day was Saturday. Thank you to all of those that braved the elements and came to the farm for our picnic. Despite the wind and the cool weather, we had quite a day. To all that were loaded with pumpkins and winter squash, e-mail me if you have questions on preparation. One order of business..... our friend volunteered to help with the tickets for the days activities, she misunderstood the amount that we told her for the charge. Instead of $6.00 per adult, and $3.00 per child over 8, and 10.00 for a couple, I believe she may have charged 10.00 per adult. Please contact me and let me know if you were overcharged so that we can rectify the mistake. For those that come to the market, we will take care of it when you come, for those that may consider coming to the farm in the Spring for berries, we will credit you, with some berries or other items we have. We apologize for the mixup. Thank you again for coming. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


The weather is going to cooperate for our fall family picnic tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 5. The picnic will start at 12:00 noon, with lunch being served  until 1:30 pm. It is casual dress, keeping in mind it may be windy, and walking will be involved! All those planning to attend, don't forget your picnic blanket, and maybe some camp chairs. You can come and stay or come and go. Tours of the farm will be given, with an insight as to every day farm life from milking goats and cows, to planting and harvesting fruits and vegetables. Tickets are $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, babes in arms are our guests. Entertainment will be provided so plan on hearing some toe tapping , foot stomping music, and don't be surprised if you leave wanting to learn the jig! The market will be open, with some of our products available. We got the freeze, so the produce is pretty well through for the season, but we have our honey, baked goods, preserves, dairy products. From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!!