Monday, February 27, 2012


The cool weather crops, waiting to be put in the ground, overgrowing their little beds in the nursery and screaming for fresh air and sunshine! This week has seen nothing but planting, planting and more planting. Rows of asparagus, garlic, carrots, beets, sugar peas, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, onions. Makes me tired just remembering the past few days. We were in such a flurry, if it weren't for my Lumbago acting up, it would have seemed like a dream. I promise myself each year not to get so out of shape through the winter months  and practice stretching, bending and stooping. Each year I do diddly squat to prepare myself for the whirl of Spring planting. Serves me right!!! The fruit trees are starting to bud, saw the first shoot of asparagus, the strawberries are waking up from their winter nap. The pullets are starting to lay, so more eggs in the market, still have some honey from last harvest. Poppy is down in the mouth, as we have weaned her calf. The little dickens was not only nursing her momma, but every other cow we are milking. Our volume has gone up considerably since she went to the big girls pasture. If you hear  pitiful, mournful wailing off in the distance, it is Truffles, not real happy with the turn of events in her life. The only deadbeats on the farm are the mama goats. Babies are overdue, but they are not in the least bit concerned about it......nor do they hear my pleas, as I implore them to lay down and push out a kid or two! As soon as the goat milk is flowing, a big whoopee!!! will be heard far and wide. MARKET HOURS: Fri and Sat from noon until 4:00 pm. Special appointments can be made through the week for dairy pickup. Cows milk, that is. From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Every morning I peak out the kitchen window, gazing at the hoop house, my mouth watering at the thought of the first of the season tomatoes. The Farmer and Son are putting the finishing touches on the ends and it will be ready for its occupants. Pairs do much better than singles on a farm, so he has already ordered another one, that will sit along side, to house squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and whatever else we decide to plant. Speaking of pairs, I am going to be taking applications for a future daughter in law this year. The Farmers son is dragging his feet and I am ready for him to settle down with a good woman. There comes a point when a mother may have to butt her nose in and take action. And believe you me, I know just what is BEST for him! Being a dedicated farmer, he never has time for an active social life, let alone courting! If Mohammed can't come to the mountain, I will bring the mountain to Mohammed. I have matched up many a successful union here on the farm! Just ask LuLu about her beloved Colorado..... or Lily and her dashing Don Juan!( I am trusting that he never has time to read this blog, or I am toast!) This week will be a flurry of activity, if it is dry enough. The asparagus crowns are ready to be planted, the Farmers son planted  some olive trees in the orchard.( Why Not!) Hopefully the fruit buds will hold off a little in case we get a blast of arctic air. The strawberries have blooms! The occasional warm spells turned their cycle topsy turvy. It is anyones guess when the U-Pick strawberry season will start. It is a waiting game for kidding season, hopefully the last week in Feb. will find the first babies on the ground. MARKET HOURS:Fri and Sat from noon until 4:00. Call anytime through the week for a special appointment for dairy pickup. From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!!    

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The Farmer and Son are diligently assembling my hoop house, so that I can get a jump start on Spring planting this next week. The stately skeleton rests in the garden, ready for its cover and the doors at the ends. Mulch beds were pulled down the middle, with irrigation lines to make maintenance so much easier. The propagation houses are full of starts to plant, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, and more. The weather has slowed our progress, but no complaints here, as we need the moisture more than an extra early harvest. The market is in full swing, with breads, cow milk, honey,  preserves, etc. The girls are winding down their gestation period, preparing for babies to begin their arrival in a couple of weeks. The goat milk will be plentiful. The CSA is full, we will be taking names for the waiting list. As the commitment is month to month, the chance to participate should be good, as some may go on vacation, grow their own produce in the summer, or just choose not to continue. MARKET HOURS: Friday and Saturday from noon until 4:00 pm. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The Farmer came to me and asked for an itty bitty favor. " Honey, could you please patch up my coat, I think that if you fix the holes and the zipper, it still has a few good years." He might as well have asked  me to find a cure for cancer, or solve the world hunger problem. This coat has been ready for the rag pile for quite some time. Now, let me make myself clear, it is not that he doesn't have a brand new one, same color, same style, hanging in the closet, he says it just doesn't feel right. This one is "broke in". To me it is just BROKE!!! Our neighbor happened by with a couple of shirts in hand, asking the Farmer if he could wear them. To me that is a sure sign for a garment retirement ceremony, when friends think you may be destitute and share their clothes. I am betting on the fact that as soon as he gets tired of looking for his gloves, after they have fallen out of the holey pockets time and again, he will put his old friend to rest. In my age old wisdom, I have dedicated a tub in the storage room that is full of  threadbare jeans, tattered shirts, boots without soles.......just in case he wants to visit some old friends. I am not even going to mention his overalls! From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I have always wanted a great big greenhouse! One that I can grow everything and anything. Tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, berries, oranges, even pineapples and bananas and lucious avacados..... no matter how impractical it may be. The Farmer and Son, finally got their bellies full of my constant reminders and incessant nagging and after countless road trips and inquiries, found a sweet man in Oklahoma who appreciated my horticulture visions and delivered to me, a greenhouse, actually a hoop house, but to me a greenhouse, none the less. The only dilema is that it is in a thousand pieces! As the sections of pipe, the boxes of plastic, the cartons of screws and nails were unloaded,  I was jumping up and down with glee, the Farmer was shaking his head, saying "Oh, dear, this will be quite an undertaking!" Actually, he had a few other choice words to say, but that was the gist of it! Assuring him that I had complete faith in his and the Sons abilities to tackle even the most challenging project, I paid the delivery man and happily waived goodbye to him as he drove off. I can hardly contain my excitement! The Farmer and Son have tackled the chore with goodhearted enthusiasm, and I have been on my best behavior, making sure a good supper is on the table, taking on a few of their chores, being patient, as they work on the greenhouse in  between the plowing, planting, tree trimming, pipe laying, milking, feeding, and all else they have to do here on the farm. No more frost bitten tomatoes and peppers, no more flattened eggplant, due to the high winds across our  fields, no more grasshoppers. We are hoping to be able to extend our growing season to be able to produce crops a little earlier and a little later. It would not be practical to try and heat it in the cold winter, but the sun does a remarkable job heating a greenhouse, enabling plants to thrive longer under its protection. Lots of trial and error will be happening this year, to see what will grow, when it will grow, and! The Farmer and Son want to try aquaponics and grow fish. More on that later. One thing at a time. I just want to be able to have tomato plants that are not bit back by the frost, or  cut to the ground at the knees by 50 mile an hour winds. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!