Saturday, March 31, 2012


I could eat chocolate covered strawberries all day long! Will have a taste in the market this week for all to try. Call ahead picking is full for today, Saturday, we are closed on Sunday, but will resume call ahead picking next Monday through Thursday. Just call and let us know when you would like to come. Picking can be done from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. We WILL will be open good Friday and the following Saturday for open picking. 9:00 will be the starting time on those days , until pickout, which will usually be around  11:30 am. From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Some things just won't wait! Some of the early berries want to be picked, as we can hear them screaming  at us WE ARE READY, MAKE ME SHORTCAKE!! So we are going to have a" call ahead and make a reservation weekend," this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.Picking will start at 9:00 am until whenever.  Call us or e-mail us and let us know you are coming, will have plenty of berries for those who want to get a jump on the picking season. call ahead picking will start again next Monday through Thursday, with open picking Good Friday and the following Sat. Picking can be done from 9:00 am until pickout this weekend .  MARKET HOURS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM NOON UNTIL 4:00 pm . From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


With the sun shining for the last few days, and the balmy days and nights, the strawberries have been put into high gear! We are anicipating opening to all  for U-pick starting Monday. April 2.  Information will be posted here as the picking progresses. Here is the scoop on picking strawberries at our farm.  Picking will be done in the mornings, as the berries are cool and fresh. We will open at 9:00AM and will pick until around 11:30 or pickout. If there are berries, special appointments can be made at other times.  It will be announced at the beginning of each week on the blog and the answer machine (903-429-2319) what days that week will be picking days. It is necessary to give the developing berries time to ripen if all of the ripe ones have been picked. Following are the guidelines we have, to make your visit enjoyable. * Dress for picking, closed toe shoes, hats for sun, jackets for cool weather. * Boxes are provided for picking, with containers for take home.* Please respect our farm and its crops. What you pick, you keep. I would not go to your house and walk on your bed with my shoes, so please do not walk on our stawberry beds.  Strawberries will not ripen after they are picked, they should be red all the way around. Samples will be provided for your tasting....and these will be washed. Unless you crave poop and pepper tea, ivory soap and sand, do not eat the berries in the field until washed. *Berries are picked by the whole stem, gently pulling with the thumb and fingers. * Children are welcome if they behave well. All under 6 require an adult each for supervision. Please do not bring your pets to the farm, no matter how well behaved they are, as they will not be able to travel with you to the picking patch.  Strawberries are $3.00 lb. We will have picked berries for those that want to pass on the picking adventure. We do have some picnic tables, and restroom facilities. If there are any questions, feel free to contact us, we look forward to your visit! From our farmstead to your table thank you for all of your support!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The thunder booms, the water pours off the eaves, the animals disappear from sight, seeking shelter in the barns and sheds, and I inwardly shout for joy! A rain day! The Farmer is on duty at the fire station, don't have to go anywhere, don't have to get dressed, don't have to comb my hair. The animals don't give a fig what I look like, so long as I feed them.  If you happen by the farm, and it seems abandoned, I am just "persona non grata," today, invisible to everyone. I Can drag out all of my cookbooks, browse through all my unread issues of Mother Earth News, watch Bonanza reruns and swoon over Hoss, as I like the big, burly, farmer types, might even paint my toes, and just get lots done inside. Today a mild stab will be made at fresh Mozzerella cheese, churned butter, and some caramel sauce ( cajeta ).  The last of the fruit in the freezer from last years harvest will soon be the last jars of preserves before the new fruit debuts. In case of an emergency, and someone is in desperate need of milk or maybe some honey, just call and I will make sure my" au natural" cousin, who looks a bit like me, only much plainer and very earthy, will meet you at the market and take care of whatever you might need! Don't be alarmed if she is in her pajamas!  From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Their will be peaches.....and if the bees do their job, peachy honey! The warmish winter enticed the peach blossoms to open early. With all of this wacky weather, it will be anyones guess when the crops will produce. The baby saga is about to wind down. Only seven more does to kid. The cows are enjoying the new spring grasses, lots of cream on the milk. I couldn't help myself, took a bit of a gamble, and made the Farmer and his son plant some tomatoes OUTSIDE. This week we are going to get the squash and cucumbers in. Last years pumpkin patch is the new home of the asparagus bed and the garlic rows. As we look across the tiny asparagus fronds popping up, we see hundreds of pumpkin seedlings sprouting through the soil. We may be celebrating Halloween in August! With all of the planting, we are eagerly awaiting the approaching  the U-pick strawberry season. the plants are abundant with fruit and blossoms. As we monitor the berries, we will post the opening week and all of the information on picking. If we don't get an abrupt hail storm or freak tornado, this will be our best harvest to date. The target week for our CSA will be the last week of April. We want to make sure that there will be a good assortment of produce to start out. Notice will be given as to the exact dates and updated information. MARKET HOURS:Friday and Saturday from noon until 4:00pm. Special appointments can be made throughout the week for dairy pickup. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So far so good! The plants are blooming, the berries are making, so we are anticipating an early picking season. The decision for opening date of strawberry picking season and picking information, will be posted in a few days. We should have some berries the first week of April. We are beyond overwhelmed with the spring birthing season of our goats. Mothers and tots have fared well, considering many are first timers. Each day, more does are added to the milk line, so after this weekend there will be no limit to goat milk purchases. The cheese, yogurt, and kefir, will also be available. Thank you to all that have been so patient waiting for us to resume our goat milk production. The cow milk is still available, Lulu and Poppy are not going to miss their turn in the milk barn, as long as they get a special treat.  MARKET HOURS: Friday and Saturday from noon until 4:00pm. Special appointments can be made through the week for dairy pickup at the farm. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Wouldn't you know it, the minute we gave up all hope, it started raining baby goats! In three days, we have had 22 babies, and more expected today. The first timers are doing a great job, letting motherly instincts take hold and nurturing the new babes. One kid us usually the norm for a does first experience, but as usual, nothing at R and C Dairy is ever normal. Most have had three and  two. The ratio of boys to girls is usually 50/50. Right now we are boasting 3 girls to 1 boy. Beyond thrilling in the dairy business. All in all the birthing season is off to a great start! If I can just make it through the next few nights of standing vigil over the pastures, as the remaining mothers to be wait their turns, all will be well. The goat milk will be available in the market this weekend. We have a long list of those that have waited patiently through the dry spell, so the first couple of weeks we may have to ration the milk a bit, but after the other gazillion does kid, in the next couple of weeks, there will be plenty of milk for all. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!