Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Starts ready to plant in the fields, soap ready to be put in the market, Spring is finally here! We awake every morning behind before we ever get out of bed. The never ending winter put us far behind. Taking it all in stride, the Farmer and Son just plug along, checking projects off the to do list. It will be any ones guess when the first harvest of the crops will be. We are usually picking strawberries at this time, but they are just now setting blooms in the field. The potatoes, carrots and beets are just poking from the soil. The melon and tomato plants in the growing house are already blooming, not yet in the ground. Katy Bar the Door, they are going into the irrigated fields this week. There is still the niggling question if there will be one more freeze before Easter as the "oldtimers" predict. We are just going to kiss the dice and roll! All of the goat babies are here, waiting for a calf in the next month. The fruit blooms were spared, a good chance of a stellar peach crop this year. The asparagus patch has kicked it up a notch, should have a little in the market this weekend. Plenty of pantry items and baked goods in the market. Fresh batch of Cow Cream Caramel. DELICIOUS !!!! As we sold out last week, several fresh vials of Thieves Oil were made. Still cleaning out the freezers, so the jams and jellies will be restocked. Found several bags of sweet corn, so some corn relish will be on the shelves this week. The beef went to the processors this past week, so meat freezers will be restocked next week, if all goes according to schedule. Information on the U-Pick season will be posted as we get a little closer. Goat milk and cow milk supply are good, but call ahead for weekend availability, as the weekends are busy. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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