Friday, August 15, 2014


We have not dropped off of the face of the Earth, just enjoying preserving the glorious gifts of the Earth. The canner, juicer, dehydrator, have been going nonstop since the end of the summer harvest. Lots of work, but it has its rewards in the winter hours as we are enjoying a bowl of hot chili with home canned tomatoes or a peach cobbler with peaches from the back yard. Because of the abundant harvest, despite the hoards of grasshoppers that set up camp in our fields, there will be plenty to share in the market. Lots of activity on the farm as we are preparing for the Fall/Winter. The milk supply has held steady, with some late births of goat and cow babies. Diamond B Cattle Company let us buy one of their bull calves to raise as our future herd sire. Top notch Jersey cows come from their farm. The Farmer and Son are preparing the greenhouses for the fall planting of the strawberries, as we are still fighting the endless influx of grasshoppers, the pumpkin crop will be minimal this year, again, darn. They wiped out a field of corn in three days. The serve yourself produce table has been a great success this year. For those that supported our lazy ways, and weighed and calculated your own purchases, and filled our money box, thanks a bunch! Because of the heat and the lull in produce production, we are just filling the table on the weekends, Friday and Saturday. The market is hosting a few crops at this time. MARKET HOURS: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM NOON UNTIL 4:00 PM. Some last minute tomatoes, some okra, squash, onions, potatoes, peaches, garlic, eggplant, peppers, are available. Not a good idea to wait until the end of the day to come get goodies for supper, as the table is usually bare at that time. The freezers are stocked with ground beef and ground goat meat. The honey is plentiful, as the bees just booted the grasshoppers over as they enjoyed the nectar from all of the produce blossoms. It will soon be time to consider if there will be enough vegetables for the CSA to continue through the Fall/Winter. Updates will be posted. It is good to be back! From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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