Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The final curtain is closing on the blackberries. It was such a good performance, we hate to see them go, but with the promise that they will return bigger and better next year! Saturday will be our last picking day. There are still a few berries on the bushes, so we are TAKING APPOINTMENTS for pickers, as we want to make sure all who come to pick will be able to pick their fill. E-mail or call  by Friday, we will respond and confirm your appointment. Picking will start at 8:00 AM and will continue until 10:00AM. The MARKET HOURS: Friday and Saturday from noon until 4:00. Big news for the home canners and bakers, as the governor signed the Cottage Food Bill, which allows me to sell my canned goods and baked goods in the market legally. No more worries that I will get sent to the pokey for my pickles! The dab of rain we got gave the corn and the field peas a new burst of life. Irrigation is good, but there is just something about thunder, lightening and rain that rejuvinates the crops. What does not kill us, makes us stronger and all that! Summer is here, the farm is shifting into low gear, just watering and harvesting for the CSA and the market. For some reason, the goats have not been effected by the heat. Usually the milk production dwindles, as the temperature rises, but the girls are holding steady. The cows are a different story. Lulu just looks at us and smiles, as she loads up on sweet feed and alfalfa at milking time, and gives us a few squirts, here and there.  The sweet corn should be ready by the 4th of July. We are harvesting a few cantaloupe and melons. Time to break out the new pea sheller, as the black eyed peas are starting to bloom. We are dumbfounded at the production of our midget okra! It is not 12 inches tall, and all the plants are full of pods! Will wonders never cease! Speaking of wonders, The farmer has planted a very special melon species, that should be ready in about 2 weeks. I am sure no one in the state of Texas has ever seen one, let alone eaten one.  If the plants produce, they will be featured here at R&C Farmstead. We will keep you posted! From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!

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