Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Christmas, Christmas time is here, time for joy and time for cheer. The farm has been bustling with preparations for Christmas. The market was filled with holiday treats, giving the visitors some homemade goodies to share with family and friends. The pralines, almond toffee and peanut brittle were a hit, and the caramel chocolate pretzel rods were sold out again. The Farmer and Son kept the hoop houses protected from the ice and snow, so that the precious strawberry plants had a fighting chance to survive..... which they have done. Yes, there will be strawberry shortcake for Christmas dinner. As the year comes to a close, we want to give thanks to all of those that have made our farming venture a success. It was a good year down on the farm. Heads are buzzing with ideas for next year to try new projects and blaze new trails. Have not forgotten the mushroom idea and the hydroponics are near the top of the list. The Farmers son promises a pumpkin patch come hills or high water. As we look around and marvel at the bounty of Gods goodness, we are careful not to take all for granted. It is understood that we will try our best to do our part in Gods Great Plan, remembering that we are stewards of the Earth, entrusted with land and animals to do our best to make the world a better place to live. Merry Christmas to all and may your New Year be happy and blessed. FYI.......Sugar Plums have nothing to do with fresh plums! From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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