Thursday, June 10, 2010

And I thought watching strawberries ripen was tedious, well I forgot about how slow tomatoes are to turn bright red! We are patiently checking morning , noon and night for the first signs of a blush, and I think there a a few varieties starting to turn. For those of you waiting to make the perfect salsa, or pasta sauce from fresh tomatoes, the wait will be well worth it. Things are rockin along here at the farm, the watermelon vines are setting blossoms, the okra is blooming and oh, the black eyed peas are making little peas already. We will be doing the u-pick on the peas in a couple of weeks. The blackberries are not quite putting enough out at one time for a u-pick, but we do have some to sell in the market. Our hours are now Thurs and Fri. 10:00am until Noon and then Saturday, 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Some of the peaches are ready, so we will have some in the market this week. My computor has influenza of some sort, so if I leave you quite suddenly, it is because it has passed out on me. I am hoping to get it fixed in a day or two. We are starting the next round of goat babies, so far all is going well. There are several girls yet to kid, then we will be through until next Spring. We have a heifer that is going to calve in about 3 weeks, so more fresh milk. Her name is Godiva, as she is chocolate colored. Wish she would give Chocolate Milk! From our Farmstead to your table , thank you for all of your support!

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