Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The thunder booms, the water pours off the eaves, the animals disappear from sight, seeking shelter in the barns and sheds, and I inwardly shout for joy! A rain day! The Farmer is on duty at the fire station, don't have to go anywhere, don't have to get dressed, don't have to comb my hair. The animals don't give a fig what I look like, so long as I feed them.  If you happen by the farm, and it seems abandoned, I am just "persona non grata," today, invisible to everyone. I Can drag out all of my cookbooks, browse through all my unread issues of Mother Earth News, watch Bonanza reruns and swoon over Hoss, as I like the big, burly, farmer types, might even paint my toes, and just get lots done inside. Today a mild stab will be made at fresh Mozzerella cheese, churned butter, and some caramel sauce ( cajeta ).  The last of the fruit in the freezer from last years harvest will soon be the last jars of preserves before the new fruit debuts. In case of an emergency, and someone is in desperate need of milk or maybe some honey, just call and I will make sure my" au natural" cousin, who looks a bit like me, only much plainer and very earthy, will meet you at the market and take care of whatever you might need! Don't be alarmed if she is in her pajamas!  From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!

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