Sunday, March 4, 2012


Wouldn't you know it, the minute we gave up all hope, it started raining baby goats! In three days, we have had 22 babies, and more expected today. The first timers are doing a great job, letting motherly instincts take hold and nurturing the new babes. One kid us usually the norm for a does first experience, but as usual, nothing at R and C Dairy is ever normal. Most have had three and  two. The ratio of boys to girls is usually 50/50. Right now we are boasting 3 girls to 1 boy. Beyond thrilling in the dairy business. All in all the birthing season is off to a great start! If I can just make it through the next few nights of standing vigil over the pastures, as the remaining mothers to be wait their turns, all will be well. The goat milk will be available in the market this weekend. We have a long list of those that have waited patiently through the dry spell, so the first couple of weeks we may have to ration the milk a bit, but after the other gazillion does kid, in the next couple of weeks, there will be plenty of milk for all. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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