Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Nothing says summer like a basket full of blackberries..... except it is the middle of May. WHAT GIVES???? The only thing that is on track are the raspberries, they are taking their sweet time. Some of the early varieties of peaches are almost ready, and the corn is starting to tassle. The Farmer planted the okra, which only thrives in  heat, and with all of the cool days and cooler nights, we have rows and rows of runts. I am very impatiently waiting for RED tomatoes. Not just one or two here and there, armfuls. The storm that blew through last week washed some of our melon seeds down the road, but the Farmer and his Son planted lots, so we should still have a good showing. If not we will scour the banks of Ray Roberts for watermelon and honeydew, as chances are most of our seeds ended up there. U-Pick blackberry season has started. Call ahead picking Monday through Thursday, if we are here you can come pick, with open picking Friday and Saturday starting at 10:00 AM until around noon. No appointment needed. There are lots of ripe berries that are easy to pick. The price is $3.00 lb. or around $15 for a level gallon bucket. Our buckets are 5 quart buckets.(Home Depot and Ace Hardware) Come dressed for the occasion. Closed shoes, hats or caps if sunny, jackets if it is cool. It is a bit of a trek to the berry rows, so plan on a little cardiovascular walking. Wagons and strollers can make it down the road just fine. Call or e-mail if you need more information. TIP: Our days start before daylight and end after dark. I usually hear phone messages around 10:30 pm, at which time no one appreciates a return call, no matter how sweet the person is that is calling. I CAN answer e-mails at all hours of the night, disturbing no one with my mute chatter so for a quicker response, send an e-mail! New MARKET HOURS: Saturday from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Special appointments can be made throughout the week for dairy pickup. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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