Friday, December 2, 2011


Now ain't that a dismal sight? One night of frosty weather and not a live tomato plant to be found! But being the eternal optimist that I am, I am looking on the bright side...... we can start racking up the chill hours for the fruit trees, specifically required  for them to produce next year. The animals are hunkering down for the cold weather as it slowly approaches. The cows look like Yaks from the North Country, the chickens are all fluffy, with frilly tails, as they don their winter feathers, the goats are puffing up in their impending pregnancies, and I am dragging out the coveralls and stocking caps, preparing for winter morning chores.  The farmer is contemplating several different greenhouses, soon to make his choice. The strawberries are going through a premature " Is it Springtime?" stage, blossoms are already apparent on a lot of the plants that have thrived in the warmer weather. We may see a few berries around Christmas. Go Figure!!!! We are preparing for the Christmas Holidays, with some extra goodies in the market again this year, we will have the Jar Breads, some candies, cookies, decadent caramel apples, the Goat Milk Caramel, candied jalapeno's, as well as the jams and jellies, pickles and salsas. And  ice cream! Homemade ice cream is so much easier to make when it is colder, freezes in a snap! This weeks flavors are Banana Nut, Mint Chocolate Chip, Pecan   Praline, Strawberry. It is sold in pint containers, at $4.00 each. Ben and Jerry lookout!! Our regular hours will remain until Dec. 23, then we will close for the holidays and will reopen sometime the middle of January, it will depend when I get my house cleaned! MARKET HOURS: Fri. and Sat. from noon until 4:00PM. Special appointments can be made throughout the week for dairy pickup. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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