Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The Farmer and Son are diligently assembling my hoop house, so that I can get a jump start on Spring planting this next week. The stately skeleton rests in the garden, ready for its cover and the doors at the ends. Mulch beds were pulled down the middle, with irrigation lines to make maintenance so much easier. The propagation houses are full of starts to plant, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, and more. The weather has slowed our progress, but no complaints here, as we need the moisture more than an extra early harvest. The market is in full swing, with breads, cow milk, honey,  preserves, etc. The girls are winding down their gestation period, preparing for babies to begin their arrival in a couple of weeks. The goat milk will be plentiful. The CSA is full, we will be taking names for the waiting list. As the commitment is month to month, the chance to participate should be good, as some may go on vacation, grow their own produce in the summer, or just choose not to continue. MARKET HOURS: Friday and Saturday from noon until 4:00 pm. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!!

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