Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Right on time, little Rolo made his debut, giving his momma a delightful surprise. This being her first calf, she was somewhat hesitant of the squirmy, slippery, mass of goo that caused her some discomfort as it popped out of her hind end! After she got a good whif and he looked up at her with a curious, and somewhat disoriented glare, it was love at first sight. She licked him clean and dry, nudged him up on his wobbly legs and while talking mommy cow talk, guided him to his first taste of warm, creamy milk. It amazes me how God got all of this so right. From our farmstead to your table, thank you for all of your support!!! Oh, and if Rolo will share with us, we will have a little more cow milk in the market!

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